50 Interview Questions About Life (With Answers)

Hiring managers want to know you as a person too. Here are 50 interview questions about life you might get asked when looking for a job.

Interviewers don’t only want to know about your work accomplishments and skills. They also want to dig into who you are as a person. Tech companies will often have a life story component to an interview to explore who you are as a person. Other companies might ask questions about your personal life to try to see what kind of person you’d be like to work with. This post will explore why recruiters ask life interview questions. It’ll also include 50 interview questions about life with answers.

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What do interview questions about life involve?

Interview questions about life are inquiries that delve into an individual's personal experiences, values, beliefs, and aspirations beyond their professional qualifications and work experience. These questions aim to uncover how a candidate's life experiences have shaped them, their approach to challenges, and how they align with the company's culture and values. Examples might include questions about a significant challenge they've overcome, a time when they had to adapt to a major change, or what motivates them beyond career success. Such questions help interviewers gauge a candidate's emotional intelligence, resilience, adaptability, and overall compatibility with the team and organizational ethos.

life story interview

Why do recruiters ask life interview questions

1. Assessing Cultural Fit

Life interview questions help recruiters gauge a candidate's values, attitudes, and personal experiences, allowing them to assess how well the candidate aligns with the company's culture and values. Understanding a candidate's life experiences can provide insights into their work ethic, communication style, problem-solving approach, and overall fit within the team and organization.

2. Evaluating Soft Skills

Life interview questions go beyond technical qualifications and focus on evaluating a candidate's soft skills such as adaptability, resilience, interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and leadership potential. Recruiters use these questions to understand how candidates handle challenges, interact with others, manage stress, and navigate various life situations, which are essential for success in the workplace.

3. Predicting Performance

By delving into a candidate's life experiences, recruiters can gain a deeper understanding of their past achievements, decision-making processes, problem-solving abilities, and personal growth. This information helps recruiters predict a candidate's potential performance, contributions, and impact within the organization, making informed hiring decisions that align with the company's goals and objectives.

life skills

Tips for Answering Interview Questions About Life Skills

When it comes to job interviews, questions about life skills are increasingly common. These queries aim to understand how you manage personal and professional challenges, demonstrating your adaptability, problem-solving abilities, and emotional intelligence. Here are five tips to help you navigate these questions with confidence:

1. Reflect on Your Experiences

Before the interview, reflect on your life experiences that have helped you develop essential skills such as resilience, time management, conflict resolution, and teamwork. Think about specific instances where you had to adapt, make tough decisions, or work closely with others to achieve a common goal.

2. Be Honest and Authentic

Authenticity resonates with interviewers. When discussing your life skills, be honest about your experiences, including the challenges you faced and how you overcame them. It's okay to admit to failures or difficult moments as long as you can articulate what you learned from them and how they contributed to your growth.

3. Use the STAR Method

Structure your responses using the Situation, Task, Action, Result (STAR) method. This approach helps you present a clear narrative that highlights your skills. Describe the situation you were in, the task you needed to accomplish, the actions you took, and the results of your efforts. This method is particularly effective for illustrating how your life skills have had a tangible impact on your personal or professional life.

4. Highlight Your Flexibility and Adaptability

Life often requires us to adapt to unexpected changes or overcome unforeseen challenges. When answering questions about life skills, emphasize your ability to remain flexible and adapt to new situations. Share examples of how you've successfully navigated change or adjusted your approach when faced with obstacles.

5. Connect Your Life Skills to the Job Role

Make your answers relevant to the position you're applying for by connecting your life skills to the job requirements. Demonstrate how your ability to manage time effectively, work well under pressure, or lead a team can contribute to your success in the role. This shows the interviewer that your life skills are not only valuable on a personal level but will also benefit the organization.

skills for your life

50 Interview Questions About Life

1. What does a fulfilled life mean to you?

To me, a fulfilled life means finding a sense of purpose and meaning, pursuing personal growth and fulfillment, nurturing meaningful relationships, and making a positive impact on others and the world around me. It involves aligning my values with my actions, living authentically, and finding joy in both big achievements and everyday moments of gratitude and contentment.

2. Can you share a pivotal moment in your life that significantly changed you?

A pivotal moment for me was overcoming a major setback in my career. It taught me resilience, the importance of adaptability, and the power of perseverance in the face of challenges. It also led me to reevaluate my priorities, focus on personal growth, and embrace opportunities for learning and self-improvement.

3. How do you balance work, personal life, and hobbies?

I prioritize time management, setting boundaries, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I allocate specific time blocks for work, personal activities, and hobbies, ensuring that each aspect of my life receives adequate attention. I also delegate tasks when possible, practice self-care, and engage in activities that recharge and inspire me outside of work.

4. What are the most important lessons you've learned in life so far?

Some of the most important lessons I've learned include the value of resilience and perseverance in overcoming challenges, the importance of kindness and empathy in relationships, the power of continuous learning and growth, and the significance of living with gratitude and mindfulness in every moment.

5. How do you define success in life?

I define success as achieving a balance of personal fulfillment, meaningful relationships, and positive impact on others and the world. It's about pursuing goals that align with my values, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, and finding joy and purpose in everyday experiences.

6. What role does family play in your life?

Family plays a central role in my life, providing support, love, and a sense of belonging. They are my foundation and source of strength, and I cherish the moments spent together, whether celebrating milestones or navigating life's ups and downs as a unit.

7. How has your perspective on life changed over the years?

Over the years, my perspective on life has evolved to prioritize experiences over material possessions, meaningful connections over superficial relationships, and personal growth over external validation. I've learned to appreciate the journey, embrace change, and find beauty in life's imperfections.

8. What are your strategies for overcoming challenges in life?

My strategies for overcoming challenges include staying resilient and adaptable, seeking support from loved ones and mentors, breaking problems into manageable steps, staying focused on solutions rather than dwelling on problems, and maintaining a positive mindset and self-belief.

9. What does happiness mean to you, and how do you pursue it?

Happiness, to me, is a combination of inner peace, fulfillment, and joy derived from meaningful connections, personal growth, and living in alignment with my values. I pursue happiness by prioritizing self-care, cultivating gratitude and mindfulness, nurturing relationships, pursuing passions and hobbies, and finding purpose in my daily actions and contributions to others' well-being.

10. How important is it to have a purpose in life?

Having a sense of purpose in life is crucial as it provides direction, motivation, and a sense of fulfillment. It gives meaning to our actions, helps us navigate challenges, and contributes to overall well-being and happiness.

11. What are your most cherished memories?

My most cherished memories revolve around moments spent with loved ones, celebrating milestones, creating cherished traditions, and experiencing personal growth. These memories include family gatherings, travel adventures, achievements, and acts of kindness that have left a lasting impact on my heart.

12. How do you deal with regrets and mistakes?

I approach regrets and mistakes with a mindset of learning and growth. I reflect on lessons learned, take responsibility for my actions, and use them as opportunities for self-improvement. I also practice self-compassion, forgive myself, and focus on moving forward with renewed determination and wisdom.

13. What life advice would you give to your younger self?

I would advise my younger self to embrace authenticity, trust the journey, prioritize self-care, cultivate meaningful relationships, pursue passions fearlessly, learn from failures, and celebrate successes with gratitude. I would also encourage resilience, kindness, and a mindset of continuous learning and growth.

14. How do you stay motivated and inspired in life?

I stay motivated and inspired by setting meaningful goals, seeking new experiences, surrounding myself with positive influences, staying curious and open-minded, practicing gratitude, celebrating achievements, and finding joy in small moments of everyday life.

15. What are your goals for the next 5 years?

My goals for the next 5 years include personal growth and development, advancing in my career, nurturing meaningful relationships, exploring new opportunities for learning and creativity, contributing positively to my community and society, and achieving a healthy work-life balance.

16. How do you manage stress and maintain mental health?

I manage stress and maintain mental health by practicing self-care activities such as exercise, mindfulness meditation, adequate sleep, healthy eating habits, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation. I also seek support from loved ones, practice open communication, set realistic expectations, and prioritize time for hobbies and downtime.

17. What role does friendship play in your life?

Friendship plays a significant role in my life as it provides support, companionship, laughter, and shared experiences. Friends are my confidants, cheerleaders, and sources of inspiration, and I cherish the deep connections and meaningful moments we share.

18. What are your thoughts on work-life balance?

I believe work-life balance is essential for overall well-being and happiness. It involves prioritizing time for work, personal activities, relationships, and self-care, setting boundaries, delegating tasks when possible, and finding harmony between professional responsibilities and personal fulfillment. It contributes to greater productivity, satisfaction, and overall quality of life.

19. How do you approach making important life decisions?

I approach making important life decisions by gathering relevant information, considering potential outcomes and consequences, consulting trusted advisors or mentors, reflecting on my values and long-term goals, and listening to my intuition. I weigh pros and cons, assess risks, and make decisions that align with my priorities and vision for the future.

20. How has failure shaped your life?

Failure has been a powerful teacher in my life, teaching me resilience, humility, and the importance of perseverance. It has encouraged me to embrace challenges, learn from mistakes, and approach setbacks as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Failure has also fostered a mindset of resilience and adaptability, empowering me to bounce back stronger and more determined.

21. What are your sources of inspiration and creativity?

My sources of inspiration and creativity include nature, art, literature, music, meaningful conversations, diverse cultures, personal experiences, and challenges. I seek inspiration from everyday moments, new perspectives, and exploring unfamiliar territories, allowing creativity to flow through curiosity, exploration, and a sense of wonder.

22. How do you maintain a positive outlook in difficult times?

I maintain a positive outlook in difficult times by focusing on gratitude, finding silver linings, practicing mindfulness and self-compassion, seeking support from loved ones, and reframing challenges as opportunities for growth and resilience. I also remind myself of past successes and strengths, maintain a sense of humor, and stay optimistic about possibilities and solutions.

23. What are your thoughts on aging and mortality?

I view aging and mortality as natural parts of life's journey, reminding us of the preciousness of time and the importance of living fully in the present moment. I embrace aging as an opportunity for wisdom, experience, and growth, cherishing each stage of life and embracing the inevitable cycles of change and transformation.

24. How do you cultivate personal growth and self-improvement?

I cultivate personal growth and self-improvement through continuous learning, seeking new experiences, setting goals, embracing challenges, reflecting on strengths and areas for improvement, seeking feedback, and staying open to feedback. I also prioritize self-care, mindfulness practices, and maintaining a growth mindset that fosters resilience and adaptability.

25. What does financial freedom mean to you, and how do you plan to achieve it?

Financial freedom to me means having the resources and flexibility to pursue my passions, support my loved ones, and contribute to causes that matter to me without financial constraints. I plan to achieve financial freedom through smart financial planning, investing in diverse income streams, saving and budgeting wisely, and making informed financial decisions aligned with my long-term goals.

26. How do you define and seek fulfillment in life?

I define fulfillment in life as finding purpose, joy, and meaning in my actions, relationships, and contributions to others and the world. I seek fulfillment by aligning my values with my actions, nurturing meaningful connections, pursuing passions and interests, making a positive impact, and living authentically and intentionally.

27. What impact do you want to leave on the world?

I aspire to leave a positive impact on the world by inspiring and empowering others, promoting kindness and compassion, fostering meaningful connections and understanding among diverse communities, contributing to positive social and environmental change, and leaving a legacy of love, empathy, and resilience that uplifts and enriches lives.

28. How do you navigate changes and transitions in life?

I navigate changes and transitions in life by staying adaptable, maintaining a positive mindset, and focusing on opportunities for growth and learning. I embrace change as a natural part of life's journey, set realistic expectations, seek support from loved ones, and stay open to new experiences and perspectives. Reflecting on past transitions and lessons learned also helps me navigate current changes with resilience and grace.

29. What role does spirituality or religion play in your life?

Spirituality plays a significant role in my life, providing a sense of purpose, connection, and inner peace. It guides my values, ethics, and decision-making, offers comfort during challenging times, and fosters a deeper understanding of life's meaning and interconnectedness. Whether through religious practices or spiritual beliefs, I find solace, inspiration, and guidance in nurturing my spiritual well-being.

30. How do you prioritize what's truly important in life?

I prioritize what's truly important in life by aligning my actions with my values, goals, and priorities. I regularly reflect on what brings me joy, fulfillment, and meaning, prioritize relationships, personal growth, health, and well-being, and make intentional choices that contribute to a purposeful and meaningful life.

31. What lessons have you learned from love and relationships?

From love and relationships, I've learned the importance of communication, trust, empathy, and mutual respect. I've learned that relationships require effort, compromise, and understanding, and that they thrive on genuine connection, shared values, and emotional support. Love teaches us vulnerability, forgiveness, and the power of unconditional acceptance, enriching our lives with depth, warmth, and meaningful connections.

32. How do you find peace in a chaotic world?

I find peace in a chaotic world by prioritizing self-care, mindfulness practices, and creating moments of stillness and reflection. I seek solace in nature, engage in activities that bring me joy and relaxation, practice gratitude, and cultivate a positive mindset that focuses on what's within my control. Setting boundaries, managing stress effectively, and seeking support when needed also contribute to finding inner peace amidst chaos.

33. What are the things you're most grateful for?

I'm most grateful for the love and support of family and friends, good health and well-being, opportunities for personal growth and learning, moments of joy and laughter, the beauty of nature, meaningful connections and relationships, and the ability to make a positive impact on others and the world.

34. How do you approach learning and acquiring new knowledge or skills?

I approach learning and acquiring new knowledge or skills with curiosity, enthusiasm, and a growth mindset. I seek diverse sources of information, engage in continuous learning through books, courses, workshops, and experiences, practice active listening and critical thinking, seek feedback and mentorship, and apply what I learn through practical application and reflection.

35. What role does physical health play in your overall life satisfaction?

Physical health plays a crucial role in my overall life satisfaction as it directly impacts my energy levels, mood, productivity, and overall well-being. I prioritize physical health through regular exercise, nutritious eating habits, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle allows me to feel vibrant, resilient, and capable of enjoying life to the fullest.

36. How do you foster meaningful connections with others?

I foster meaningful connections with others by practicing active listening, empathy, and genuine interest in their experiences and perspectives. I prioritize open and honest communication, express gratitude and appreciation, show support and kindness, and seek opportunities to create shared experiences and memories. Building trust, understanding, and mutual respect are key in nurturing meaningful connections.

37. What are the biggest risks you've taken in life, and what did you learn from them?

Some of the biggest risks I've taken in life include pursuing new career paths, stepping out of my comfort zone to embrace challenges, and investing in personal growth opportunities. From these risks, I've learned the importance of courage, resilience, and adaptability. I've gained valuable experiences, expanded my skills and knowledge, and discovered new passions and strengths that have enriched my life journey.

38. How do you handle criticism and feedback?

I handle criticism and feedback by approaching it with an open mind, viewing it as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. I listen actively, seek to understand the perspective behind the feedback, and reflect on areas for improvement. I appreciate constructive feedback, incorporate valuable insights into my actions or behaviors, and use it as motivation to continuously learn and evolve.

39. What are your thoughts on personal responsibility and accountability?

I believe personal responsibility and accountability are fundamental principles that empower individuals to take ownership of their actions, decisions, and impact on others and the world. It involves being honest, reliable, and accountable for one's words and actions, acknowledging mistakes, learning from failures, and actively contributing to positive outcomes and solutions.

40. How do you find balance between giving and receiving in life?

I find balance between giving and receiving in life by practicing reciprocity, gratitude, and mindful awareness of both my own needs and the needs of others. I prioritize self-care and well-being to ensure I have the energy and resources to give to others authentically. I also value the importance of receiving support, kindness, and generosity from others, fostering a harmonious balance of giving and receiving in relationships and interactions.

41. What are the most influential books, movies, or people in your life?

Some of the most influential books, movies, and people in my life include "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, "Into the Wild" (movie), and mentors or role models who have inspired me with their wisdom, resilience, and passion for making a positive impact in the world. These influences have shaped my values, perspectives, and aspirations in profound ways.

42. How do you deal with loneliness or isolation?

I deal with loneliness or isolation by seeking social connections and support, reaching out to friends or loved ones for meaningful conversations or activities, engaging in hobbies or interests that bring me joy and fulfillment, practicing self-compassion and self-care, and seeking professional support or counseling when needed. Building a supportive network and staying connected with others play a crucial role in combating loneliness and isolation.

43. What are your views on materialism and consumerism?

I believe in striking a balance between materialism and mindful consumption. While material possessions can bring comfort and convenience, true fulfillment and happiness come from meaningful experiences, relationships, personal growth, and contributing to the well-being of others and the world. I advocate for conscious consumption, responsible stewardship of resources, and prioritizing values and experiences over excessive materialism and consumerism.

44. How do you stay grounded in an ever-changing world?

I stay grounded in an ever-changing world by prioritizing self-awareness, mindfulness, and maintaining connections with my values, beliefs, and purpose. I practice gratitude, reflection, and regular self-care activities to nurture my well-being and resilience. Setting boundaries, managing stress effectively, and staying present in the moment help me navigate challenges and uncertainties with a sense of balance and inner stability.

45. What role does technology play in your life?

Technology plays a significant role in my life as a tool for communication, learning, productivity, and staying connected with others. I use technology to access information, collaborate with colleagues, pursue personal interests, and streamline daily tasks. While I value the benefits of technology, I also prioritize mindful usage, digital detoxes, and maintaining a healthy balance between virtual interactions and real-world experiences.

46. How do you approach setting and achieving personal goals?

I approach setting and achieving personal goals by following a structured process that involves clarifying my objectives, breaking down goals into actionable steps, setting realistic timelines, tracking progress, and adjusting strategies as needed. I prioritize goals that align with my values, interests, and long-term vision, and I stay motivated by celebrating milestones, seeking support, and staying adaptable in overcoming obstacles.

47. What are your thoughts on leadership and influence in personal and professional settings?

I believe leadership is about inspiring and empowering others, fostering collaboration, and leading by example with integrity, empathy, and vision. In both personal and professional settings, effective leadership involves active listening, communication, delegation, recognizing strengths, and encouraging growth. Influence stems from authenticity, trust, and a commitment to serving the greater good, leaving a positive impact on individuals and communities.

48. How do you manage time effectively to ensure you live life to the fullest?

I manage time effectively by prioritizing tasks, setting goals, creating schedules, and using productivity tools to optimize efficiency. I practice time management techniques such as prioritization, delegation, and batching similar tasks. I also allocate time for self-care, relaxation, and pursuing hobbies and interests that bring joy and fulfillment, ensuring a balanced and fulfilling life.

49. What are your thoughts on environmental sustainability and living a life that respects the planet?

I believe in the importance of environmental sustainability and living a life that respects the planet. I prioritize eco-friendly practices such as reducing waste, conserving energy, supporting sustainable products and practices, and advocating for environmental stewardship. I believe in making mindful choices that minimize environmental impact and contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come.

50. How do you approach forgiveness, both giving and receiving?

I approach forgiveness as a process of healing, growth, and letting go of resentments or hurt. In giving forgiveness, I practice empathy, understanding, and compassion, seeking to release negative emotions and promote reconciliation or closure. In receiving forgiveness, I value accountability, humility, and sincere apologies, acknowledging mistakes and striving to learn and grow from them. Forgiveness is a powerful tool for personal and interpersonal healing, fostering empathy, and fostering deeper connections.