Resume Tailor

Tailor your resume for every job using AI

Tailoring your resume manually can be a tedious process. But with Huntr’s AI, you can tailor your resume fast to boost your chances of getting interviewed. Our tool calculates a match score not only based on keywords, but also on how well your resume matches the job's requirements.

Sign up for free

Create a custom resume for every job you apply to using Huntr’s Resume Tailor. Huntr extracts keywords, qualifications and responsibilities from job descriptions to help you better optimize your resume for job applications.

Use job-specific keywords

Use Huntr’s Keyword Match tool to add various skills and relevant job-specific keywords to your resume, pulled directly from each job posting, in a single click.

Start Matching Keywords

Optimize for job responsibilities

Discover areas of improvement with Huntr’s Responsibilities Match to help you better tailor your resume to a job posting’s responsibilities. Our tool automatically extracts responsibilities from a job description and finds how well your resume matches them.

Start Optimizing for Responsibilities

Highlight your qualifications

Tailor your qualifications to each job posting with Huntr’s Qualifications Match, which uses AI to help communicate why you’re qualified for the role you’re applying to.

Highlight Your Qualifications

Get AI help

Huntr’s AI helps you better communicate how your skills and achievements match the keywords, responsibilities, and qualifications from each job. All in real-time so you can write your resume with some support.

Build Your Tailored Resume with AI

Get a Job Match Score

Get an instant job match score alongside feedback with Huntr’s AI when using Resume Tailor. You’ll be assessed on whether you have poor, fair, or great coverage in comparison to a job posting to help you better tailor your resume.

Get Your Job Match Score

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I tailor my resume?

You can tailor your resume by using Huntr's Resume Tailor. You’ll add your job posting to the tool and with some AI support you’ll be guided on how to better optimize your resume to include the relevant skills, responsibilities, job title, and qualifications needed.

Who should tailor their resume?

Job seekers looking for their next role or a change in roles should tailor their resume to better suit a job they’re applying for.

What’s the best resume tailoring tool?

Huntr is the best resume tailoring tool because it provides detailed feedback to help you better tailor your resume for the exact job you’re applying to. It provides the most comprehensive resume job matching features by not only focusing on keywords, but also responsibilities and qualifications.

How is Huntr different from other resume tailoring tools?

Other resume builders only look at keywords when matching your resume to a job, this is not ideal because you could get a high job match score by just stuffing keywords into the resume. While this might get the resume through the initial ATS screen, it will not get you past the first set of human screenings. Our semantic matching, in addition to our keyword matching, increases the probability that a resume with a high match score will get through both ATS and human screen and eventually to first round interviews.

How much does it cost to tailor my resume?

The Resume Tailor is one of Huntr's many features. Our free tier allows you to use our AI tailoring features for a few resumes. If you reach the free tier limit, you can upgrade to Huntr Pro for $40/month. This will allow you to tailor your resume for countless jobs, while benefiting from other tools and features, such as a resume builder with beautiful templates to choose from, job tracker, job application autofill, and more.

Why should I tailor my resume for every job I apply to?

You should tailor your resume for every job application to help recruiters consider you as a candidate for the role. It’ll be easier for recruiters to see the alignment between your experience and the role you’re applying for. Plus, since you’ll be optimizing your resume for the job, you’ll be more likely to pass AI tools, which scan resumes based on keywords and other relevant qualifications. It also shows recruiters that you’re serious about this job as it requires additional effort to customize your resume for each role you apply to.

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AI Resume Builder

Beautiful, perfectly job-tailored resumes designed to make you stand out, built 10x faster with the power of AI.

Next-Generation Job Tailored Resumes

Huntr provides the most advanced job <> resume matching system in the world. Helping you match not only keywords, but responsibilities and qualifications from a job, into your resume.

Job Keyword Extractor + Resume AI Integration

Huntr extracts keywords from job descriptions and helps you integrate them into your resume using the power of AI.

Application Autofill

Save hours of mindless form filling. Use our chrome extension to fill application forms with a single click.

Job Tracker

Move beyond basic, bare-bones job trackers. Elevate your search with Huntr's all-in-one, feature-rich management platform.

AI Cover Letters

Perfectly tailored cover letters, in seconds! Our cover letter generator blends your unique background with the job's specific requirements, resulting in unique, standout cover letters.

Resume Checker

Huntr checks your resume for spelling, length, impactful use of metrics, repetition and more, ensuring your resume gets noticed by employers.

Gorgeous Resume Templates

Stand out with one of 7 designer-grade templates. Whether you're a creative spirit or a corporate professional, our range of templates caters to every career aspiration.

Personal Job Search CRM

The ultimate companion for managing your professional job-search contacts and organizing your job search outreach.