Write for Us

Hey you! We’re looking for people who are passionate about the job search space who want to share their thoughts and ideas on our website. We’re not just looking for people who write for every website out there, but people who truly understand the pain points and solutions that help people get through the job search process with ease.

We’re going to be honest: Writing for Huntr is going to take some upfront work. This post will highlight all the guidelines you need to follow to ensure your post is accepted onto our website.

But it can also be highly rewarding to get your novel ideas out there with a byline from Huntr. So many job seekers can get closer to finding a job because of the content you create. You could help someone who was laid off or going through a rough patch with a bad boss find their dream job.

What we’re looking for:

Before you start writing, you need to get approval on your blog topic or suggestion from our team. We do have our own content calendar of topics we want to write in-house so we just want to make sure there’s no conflicts.

When pitching your ideas to us, let us know the search volume of the keyword you’ll be targeting with the topic. And if your goal for writing is to get a backlink to your site, you need to disclose to us what site you’ll be adding a link to before writing your blog post.

We currently do not accept press releases or sales pitches on our site. We’re not a news site, we’re a job search tool.

To contact us email Nicole at [email protected].

What we publish:

We publish articles from anywhere between 1,900 and 2,500 words in length. The standard is 2,000 words. Articles should have a casual tone while being informative, educational, and unique. We don’t accept AI content, spun content, plagiarized content, or competitor content for guest posts. We also don’t accept content that is already published online. If publishing on Huntr, you won’t be able to repost the same content on other websites. If citing data, you’ll need to include sources to studies and credible sources. We typically format articles using H2s and H3s. Including some links to other Huntr blog posts or pages is appreciated. We expect content to be written in US English.

What you get:

We don’t pay for guest posts. We do allow a link to your website or social media within the article depending on what you’d prefer. We don’t accept links to landing pages, product pages, or other sales pitches within the post but are happy to add a link to a blog post from your site. You’ll also get an author byline to help you build out your reputation online. This includes a headshot, short bio, and a link to your website or social media.

How to submit:

The format of choice is Google Docs when sending over completed articles, so that we can easily provide feedback, suggestions, and ideas.